Macadamia & Date Balls

Date & macadamia balls.jpg


1 Cup Macadamias

1 Cup dates

1 heaped tablespoon raw cocoa powder preferably organic

1/2 Cup desiccated coconut


Grind the Macadamias to a fine powder. I use a coffee grinder though it does take a few attempts and a bit of patience.

Place the dates and macadamias in a food processor till the mixture resembles breadcrumbs and comes together. Now add the cocoa and whiz for a few seconds till incorporated.

Roll a teaspoon full of the mixture into walnut size balls and roll around in a bowl of desiccated coconut. It should be well coated.

Makes around 20

These should keep in the fridge for well over a week to ten days. I must admit that they don’t last that long in my home.