POST 14: Basil as a potted plant


My apologies for going missing all these months. Post the Royal Commission into banking and finance, the government mandated that all Financial Advisers like us, had to sit for two compulsory exams. This took me away from my love of blogging…

But I’m back!!! So here goes...

Have you tried buying basil as a potted plant? Let me tell you that it makes far more sense.  

Think about it, if you buy a bunch of basil then you pretty much have to use it within a day or two else it wilts, goes black and says goodbye rather too quickly.

Potted basil on the other hand, will happily sit on your kitchen windowsill patiently waiting for you to use it at a time that works for you. All you need to do is water it whenever the soil looks dry.

Here is a cool tip to make your basil plant last and last.

When you need some, don’t hack into it. But rather just snip the top inch or two, just above the node where you can see freshly sprouting leaves. Those young leaves will take off and thrive. The plant will actually become fuller and look remarkably happy.

I bought a large nice looking round pot from the local hardware store along with some potting mix. I bought four basil plants from my local supermarket whilst doing my weekly shop. All the plants got re-potted in the large pot. It sits in the kitchen in a well-lit spot. It has given me two lots of pesto, numerous additions to my summer salads and will keep going by the looks of it.

I have now given up buying bunches of basil especially after experiencing the freshness of my potted basil plant… Do give it a try even if you don’t have a green thumb.

Follow my recipes to:

1.      Quick healthy pesto

Quinoa, roast vegetables and pesto topped with seared haloumi

BlogsCindy Dahiya